Lipnolopet XV 55km, Frydava Czech Republic
Ski Classics Challengers
2h 50m
Lipnolopet – The First Challengers Event In The Czech Republic
Lipnolopet is the first Czech long-distance event to become part of the Ski Classics Challengers series. The 55km classic rollerski race takes place at Frýdava on October 7, 2023.
The first Ski Classics Challengers event in the Czech Republic, Lipnolopet, is a 55km race with 1.200 meters of total climbing. The start has a flat terrain around Lake Lipno, on the Czech Republic and Austria border. Undulating course in the mid part of the race with stunning views of the Alps, and the finish is a challenging 5km long uphill to Svatý Tomáš (St. Thomas), where the climb can reach up to 20% of a gradient in certain places. Simply, a long-distance rollerski race with everything professional and recreational skiers would expect.
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